Friday, April 20, 2012

Some Like it Hot

Days 3  4  96 Days to go 
110 degrees has pukability
Missed a day. Did doubles with Ana teaching both classes. New place in the studio and it was HOT. I melted and flopped and had to sit down.  Where did my Yoga mojo go? I felt okay about being in the first row and then I could not do every single pose each time, dizziness, the upchucking not upping...barely..  Still having camel problems,   I never had the traditional camel problems before and now triangle too, which used to be my go to pose for bragging rights, that and Tulandasana which I crazy love that pose... After class I was told it was a 110 Degrees in the class.

Birkam Yoga Tip of the day: Garuasana Eagle Pose. The pose and this part class of the class is all about sex and drinking- it's party time! Twist like Ropes the dialogue says, yet I have never ever seen a rope do anything on it own. A major compression of the main joints of the body, it is also cuts and releases blood flow to your sex organs. Feet and hands always I say, because they are the only parts of my

body that are getting strong so far. Keeping your foot firmly planted on your matt, with your weight evenly distributed over your entire foot will stop you from swaying back and forth like a Tokyo high rise mid- earthquake. This pose brings us 25 minutes into the class and the first offical water break. you just spent 25 minutes warming up you body? Are you thirsty, or are you bored, or are you just not willing to stay still and face yourself? Mountain pose it between every pose. Remain still without falling into a fidget habit, the quieter you remain in class between poses, the swifter
your practice will improve. This, for me, is  the real work of my pratice.

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