Monday, May 14, 2012

NYPD Blues

Bikram yoga tip of the day: pavana muktasana wind removing pose. The object of stretching is pulling. Continuous pulling without interruption, without intermission. Get your neck long, each vertebrae on he floor, abdominal muscles pulled in, tailbone tucked. Watch your alignment.

Mother of a holiday

day 12 88 to go. Bikram yoga tip of the day. Savasana corpse pose. Raison d'être. Bitchy alert. Too much noise, water drinking be teen toe pose and Savasana. Remove one habit, let go of one twitch, forget about the water, the towel, the sweat, the hair, the thoughts, the skin, thoughts bubble up and are released without judgement. Breath in then breath out. Belly rise belly fall. This restorative pose will help you with the exciting spine stretching series coming up next. Now the show begins...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Face Caking

Day 10 90 to go had a fight with a frenemy over my refusal to dye my hair,cut my hair short or wear make up cake my face? Really... I am the most beautiful woman in the world , I am constantly surprised that not more people realize ths truth about me. i want to lift he veil from their eyes ( remove the bandages?) so everyone can see it. It's clear to me... Maybe I am a psychopath... Bikram yoga tip of the day: tadasana .. I love this pose it's magical two syllables TA. DA! We are at least 50 minutes into the class. Might as well hang in for the home stretch. This is you last chance to utilize the. Mirror o make the most of it. It's a gas gas gas gas....tree pose...Knees over 35. Use caution and gravity..not force. So many challenges in this pose. Keeping your weight spread all over your standing door. Dr acing foot must be straight toes to the mirror. You need to open your hips, loosen your shoulders, and not hurt your knees, while staying perfectly aligned on one foot and staying clam..... Sole of the feet should face the citing. Raised heel aligned witbyour felty button. Keep your neck long, keep everything stent relax your hip to lower your knee down. You need the mirror to check your ligament... Soon you will be CNN tucked on the floor,and your minds eye will be your on Y guide.....

The Unbearable Fatness of Being

Day 9 91 to go.  Two at San Carlos one at Seacliff and one at Castro.   Fell off  the  sugar and dairy wagon, and low and behold my weight loss halted. Sneezing commenced.  Chemistry.  I am 22% less of a person than I ws in December. I hope I left the 22% that was crabby.  Fat Chance. Re read Sugar Blues - Dufty and Preventing and Reversing Heart disease. Losing faith about reaching the promised land.

Bikram yoga tip of the day. Trikonasana. Triangle Pose. My challenge with this posture is getting the shin vertical- not getting a good triangle..getting the knee over the ankle is key. When you move your toe out, keep your eyes straight. Don't move your eyes when you move your toes. Keep your eyes on the alignment of your spine. Feel your feet move, move you turn your neck, turn your palms toward the mirror then turn your neck to poverty your shouted breath in tuen turn your body moving your arms like you are Carol Burnett dressed for a "Gone With The Wind" wind sketch...

Rediscovering Drugs

Day 8 92 days to go Bikram yoga tip of the day: Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasa Standing separate leg head to knee pose Coccyx to the neck, coccyx to the heels...ass awareness. 50% body fat, grabbing your ankles, with your butt kissing the sky, excuse me while I think to cry..."""...."""" whole body in one piece body moving in one piece...legs like lampposts, the object of stretching is pulling....if you store stress in you back, this pose is great...lift your hips to stretch your hamstrings. Think like a diver, and lead with your eyes..keep yours looking in between your fet where you wany your forehead to kiss the mat.

One armed bandit

Day 11 l 89 to go. Padangustasana toe stand pose.I have never ever ever. Ever down this pose in a class. Got Close at a posture clinic right knees, tight hips and bid abdomen hinder my advice for this pose, have strong quads, keep your knees level...wish I was on my away to the costa rica training.......when I wish upon a star....