Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Unbearable Fatness of Being

Day 9 91 to go.  Two at San Carlos one at Seacliff and one at Castro.   Fell off  the  sugar and dairy wagon, and low and behold my weight loss halted. Sneezing commenced.  Chemistry.  I am 22% less of a person than I ws in December. I hope I left the 22% that was crabby.  Fat Chance. Re read Sugar Blues - Dufty and Preventing and Reversing Heart disease. Losing faith about reaching the promised land.

Bikram yoga tip of the day. Trikonasana. Triangle Pose. My challenge with this posture is getting the shin vertical- not getting a good triangle..getting the knee over the ankle is key. When you move your toe out, keep your eyes straight. Don't move your eyes when you move your toes. Keep your eyes on the alignment of your spine. Feel your feet move, move you turn your neck, turn your palms toward the mirror then turn your neck to poverty your shouted breath in tuen turn your body moving your arms like you are Carol Burnett dressed for a "Gone With The Wind" wind sketch...

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