BYSC. No heart in the class. Worry on the mind. Did the late night class make me fretful about a daytime class? Work weighs on me and I was not focused. The mind interrupted the practice mentally. Not in room, not in moment. Each posture was a struggle to come back to center. I rested mostly, doing one set and attempting to quiet the mind. Kept losing my balance, my place in the class, in the body, in the mind. Each class is very different
Went through the motions. Kept the breath active. Stayed in the room (!) and walked out alive. Felt like a newbie.
I am not a Baptist and that is not me on you tube.
I was in an ER. The ER Baby Doc on duty asked if the dents in my back were due to damage from a beating.
I began to think someone dented my back with their boots. It was just my pronouced Dimples of Venus.
I read somewhere recently, if you have Dimples of Venus, you are at higher risk for obesity.
Who knows what is true. Republicans? Scientologists? (holy crap, Batman!) Muslims? Me? I don't believe in Newt Gingrich or Tom Cruise, ( vote Newtie he is a cutie! Open marriage, line up if you want to love him madly) Plus- I don't claim to know anything about birthing any babies.
I think Doctors don't know what they are talking about 50% of the time. (or more if they are over 45.) I 100% love Doctors 50% of the time.
Life is a coin toss. Eat vegan, if you can learn to, lots of greens, nothing from a box and nothing delivered to you to eat through a car window is really food, it is really poison. Meditate a lot. You are going to die anyway. You are what you eat. I's rather be kale than than a cow, yes I would, if I could, I surely would. Hopefully it might be less painful to die if you are healthy, but that to is a coin toss, too, A good heart attack will take you on it's first try. So maybe eating cows and dairy is the best way to go. Karma is bitch. Bitches are purposeful creatures that create life and are super tough. Life is all about Dogs and Bitches to me. Too mcuh time spent with breeders.
Yoga tip of the day:Dhanurasa Bow pose. Why teachers use the image of wheel when talking about legs is beyond me. The last of the floor spine strengthening series. Reach back and grab the outside of each foot, two inches below the toes. Keep the knees and feet as close together as possible and make sure that the wrists are falt and straight. Kick back- pushing the legs up and into the hands. Keep lifting and roll so all you weight balances on your stomach. Keep the knees about hip width (6") distance apart.
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