Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The show that never ends

One of the dogs I am in charge of keeping safe, got out on my watch and bit a neighbor.

I am dogsitting for a friend 45 minutes down the Pennisula.
Commuting to The City for works means no yoga for the last seven days.
Miss daily mediation of the practice.

BYC is a very calm studio.

Everyone is quiet inside the studio.

Managed to squeeze in a class at Yoga Health Center in San Carlos.

Last time I was here in this small room the instructor used an amplification system. That bounced me right out of the class as she was a "countdown" gal. Countdowns are crazy making to my mind.
I entered with a mixture of trepidation and desperation.
The studio now has rubber floor. I saw spray bottles labeled lavender. Starting panicing about "aromas".
No one sprayed the bottles. Break.
No burning gases or artificial chemical odors in the classroom BIG Break.

The students were all chattering inside the studio. Trying to find the zen center of my brain.
The road to calm me is a steep and twisted one.

It has been one or two years since I have taken a class here. The studio is small and not very deep.
Here they mark out the places where you can place you mat. You get more room to your left and right but the person in front of you has to keep their head to the mirror or their feet will be in your face. the ceiling mounted blower heater was to my left. I felt the top layer of my skin crisp as it was blown onto my skin. I expected scabbing.

Last time I was here in this small room the instructor used an amplification system. For 1000 sq ft studio.
That bounced me right out of the class as she was a "countdown" gal.

Countdowns are crazy making to my mind. I entered with a mixture of trepidation and desperation.
The instructor was not the owner but some gal who sounded like heidi klum. She did not use a microphone Break. If she counts down I am AUT. It has been years since I attended a scripted class. She gave wildly different instructions for standing bow, raise your arm first! That was shocker.

Feet in my face during the floor series prompted me to scramble for a new spot.
I could not believe how much easier it is to breathe in this aroma free class room.
I am going back this morning.

Yoga Tip of the day:

Monday, October 12, 2009

The End

Day 95 l 0 to go

It is Over. Drove in from Woodside this morning. Forgot my mask. Air didn't seem that bad. Only soft tissue in face went numb. Arrived with ten minutes to spare.

There was only residule toxic detris in the air.
(the room gets no ventilation)

Invisible layers of ionized debris.
I thought I caught a break as there was none of
the new uberstrong "?" in the air.
Then the instructer turned on the Fumigation Factor.
Head felt like it was going to explode.
mesage to lungs was "shut down now,
toxins are about."

Not the best way to perform yoga.
Felt hives rising under my skin.

Yoga tip of the day: If the room makes you sick
do not stay in it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hip Rotations

94 l 6 to go

Busy day :: 6 to go :: 6 to go :: 6 to go :: commuting from Redwood City in the middle of a remodel project that will not end. High hopes for yoga inprovement despite aromatheraphy breathing problems = head, inner ear, lungs knees are all taking a hit
Carry on, make it work, as Tim Gunn would say.

My suits are now beginning to hang off me abit, this I attribute to Dr Joel Furhman's book, "Eat to Live".

Bikram Yoga tip of the day: Tulansana Balancing stick pose: Adjust your hips before you tilt so they are parallel. Lock your standing knee. Make sure you arms and elbows are locked against your head and keep your chin up so you can see your front knee or your fingertips in the front mirror. Pull with equal force from your elbows to the tips of your fingers and from your knees to the end of your big toe. Rotate your elevated leg so your knee cap is facing the floor.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


day 93 l 7 to go
It should be a word for how fat people are treated.
As in, "Gee, that boy throws down some mean ass fatitude."
The skinny little stick figure that was the reigning queen of the yoga warrrior wall has been bested, crushed, pulverized by the morbidly obese old lady wearing a gas mask in the corner!
7 to 100 - 8 more day to 101 and then a break.
Yoga tip of the day: If it gives you a headache -
get outta there.

Friday, October 9, 2009


day 92 / 8 to go
4:30 pm class still wearing GM respirator mask
Life is imitating a todd haynes film.
wondering if it will ever be safe to take the mask off.
Today I matched the highest number days in row 92..

Thursday, October 8, 2009

And A Way we go

91 l 9 to go

Snuck into class with a low tech $7.50

respirator mask for the 4:30 pm.

Yoga dog, who usually sidles up to

or ear tugs went bonkers barking, so the mask was announced.

Headache from morning was still there but it did make a significant difference.

Face felt it was being eaten by maggots, a few balance problems but made it through the entire class. Soaked the mask.

Yoga tip of the day:

Here is a great diagram of rats in water maze

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Day 91 l 9 to go
shoving Kleenex up my nose
to protect brain and lungs from damage.

Left before class started.

Off to buy a respirator at the
hardware store.
I want to finish this challenge.
Love the class
love the ability to breathe.
No choice.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

Been there done that.
Tuesday 9:30 day killer
Busy busy work day after day killer class.
skipped spinal twist and final breathing to enjoy
a few minutes savasana before running to meeting
Wednesday 6am class back to back to back to back to back to bank to back to back
mtgs today.Starting at 8:30 am Still working w at 7:47 pm
almost almost almost almost 100 today
Day number 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 days in a row. 26 poses one or two executed well 24 to go- there are small tiny parts of each pose that are executed better and better every day 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90. still cannot feel heart inside chest Feel a pounding portal vein in my gut.
stretch your palms and feet always.
Yoga tip of the day: Dance like Jackie Gleason

Monday, October 5, 2009


Day 88 l 12 to go

For the last 88 days I have shown up every day and taken a yoga class. Every single day. I think daily activities are important.

Today's class was taken in total silence. Did the whole class alone, forgot cobra. Put it in the wrong place but it got done.
Convinced yoga is good for fascia, that is why backbends improve significantly.
Yoga tip of the day: Listen to your breathing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Exhaust Shun

Days 86 & 87 weekend classes
day killer classes
8:30 am and 9:30 am - the worst.
Work happens on weekends. Delaying the start of the work day until 11:30 am or noon.
is it bad for business?

My energy just arrested before spinal twist in Saturday's class. Later that day ,I took a moment to sit down and every bone in my body whimpered :"Ow."

After work -slept for 15 solid hours. Sunday class was mental confusion class. Is this early onset Alzheimer's (AD)? Brain felt like it is bleeding internally, sweat or blood running down the inside of the skull. Brain chatter on overdrive, work distractions a mile a minute. Kept Thinking There is not enough time between first Sunday yoga class and work on Sunday. Kept losing place in class. Skipped final breathing and inserted savasana to leave rested a few minutes early - still late for an appointment.

Not good. No shower for the wicked. Must buy green face paint.

Yoga tip of the day: Pavanamuiktasana Wind removing pose. image in laying your spine on the floor like a line of beads - from the top of your head to the tip of your tail bone. Use the shoulders and arm strength to pull your knee alongside your ribcage. Bring your elbows down to your hips so you are increasing the stretch in your shoulders biceps triceps forearms and fingers. Let your breath press out your spine as if you are a suit at the cleaners.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Huffing Post

Day 85 l 15 to go
Friday, 9:30 am class
Huffing memory came back in class
as if peeled off the top layer of my brain.
The Olfactory hallucinations/memories floods make me think there is something crossing the blood brain barrier uninvited.
1978, asleep upstairs in my darling two story flat
awoken by odor. Confused. Is it the stove? Electrical fire? Went down stairs, to find housemate, an RN, head shoved into a paper bag, huffing away.
It's one thing to inflict brain damage on your own brain,
it's another thing all together to have it thrust upon you. ( in your sleep no less)
Must have been a lot of toxic soup to make it up the stairs, down the hall strong enough to wake me up.
I remember saying, "You can't do this and live here"
to a very confused (pathetic) face. Anger just cloaked on my practice today. Have no forgiveness for (this 32 years ago) huffing or this post.
Yoga tip of the day: Dandayama-Junishirasana, standing forehead to knee pose : Engage all of your limbs in the pose. If you cant reach under your feet qith both hands, don't let go of an arm to dangle lifelessly at your side, grab your knee with both hands so you can equally stretch your shoulders and arms. Breathing through your mouth will exhaust you. Keep your lips closed and breathe calmly, evenly, slowly through your nose.
Feel your body continuously stretching with each exhale, gently and equally.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Changes in State

Day 84 l 16 to go

Thursday 9:30 am
Organized changes in state are a good thing.
Disorganized changes in state are revolutionary and violent, or explosive, whether it is blowing out a candle or detonating a nuclear bomb. Or setting off fireworks.
Out and about last night. Someone from yoga class spotted me at an event. "Do you do bikram?" "Who told you?" My secret is out. Better buy a wig. Today in class very, very tired. is it Day 84 or the event the night before?

Yoga pose tip of the day: Half Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana with Pada Hastasana - Take time to really flex your hip joints in the warm up.The closer your elbows are to your ears the tighter the full body stretch you will feel down your side