Thursday, October 1, 2009

Changes in State

Day 84 l 16 to go

Thursday 9:30 am
Organized changes in state are a good thing.
Disorganized changes in state are revolutionary and violent, or explosive, whether it is blowing out a candle or detonating a nuclear bomb. Or setting off fireworks.
Out and about last night. Someone from yoga class spotted me at an event. "Do you do bikram?" "Who told you?" My secret is out. Better buy a wig. Today in class very, very tired. is it Day 84 or the event the night before?

Yoga pose tip of the day: Half Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana with Pada Hastasana - Take time to really flex your hip joints in the warm up.The closer your elbows are to your ears the tighter the full body stretch you will feel down your side

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