Sunday, October 4, 2009

Exhaust Shun

Days 86 & 87 weekend classes
day killer classes
8:30 am and 9:30 am - the worst.
Work happens on weekends. Delaying the start of the work day until 11:30 am or noon.
is it bad for business?

My energy just arrested before spinal twist in Saturday's class. Later that day ,I took a moment to sit down and every bone in my body whimpered :"Ow."

After work -slept for 15 solid hours. Sunday class was mental confusion class. Is this early onset Alzheimer's (AD)? Brain felt like it is bleeding internally, sweat or blood running down the inside of the skull. Brain chatter on overdrive, work distractions a mile a minute. Kept Thinking There is not enough time between first Sunday yoga class and work on Sunday. Kept losing place in class. Skipped final breathing and inserted savasana to leave rested a few minutes early - still late for an appointment.

Not good. No shower for the wicked. Must buy green face paint.

Yoga tip of the day: Pavanamuiktasana Wind removing pose. image in laying your spine on the floor like a line of beads - from the top of your head to the tip of your tail bone. Use the shoulders and arm strength to pull your knee alongside your ribcage. Bring your elbows down to your hips so you are increasing the stretch in your shoulders biceps triceps forearms and fingers. Let your breath press out your spine as if you are a suit at the cleaners.

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