Sunday, January 29, 2012

Anti-Yoga Day 3

Day 3 started off well, and then fell down. Looked up the schedule for Seacliff, then drove and parked at Polk Street. At Polk Street I realized my error when I faced a locked studio door and  headed off to Seacliff, after leaving the garage
and driving half way cross town. I knew I would be too late & detoured to Waller Street Funky Door studio. They were closed due to a lack of electricity! That was a sign.  I came back and thought I would print up my 60 day classs pass to Daly City. I called the owner. He told me since I had taken classes at Sescliff, I could not use the new studnet pass at Daly City. Bummer, wanted to check out that studio, but not willing to drive all the way to Daly City without an incentive. I think it takes 60  days  to really evaluate a studio.   So did a bit of work at home and headed out for the noon class at Polk Street.  Garage was full. Street parking means a ticket,  90 minute class 60 minute meters.

I could not last. Zero energy, I wanted  to go Yoga Postal. It bothers me the lack of studio ettiquette and lack of studio engagement in reminder of studio courtesy, by most studios. Why not post some friendly reminders? Why the heck are they allowing people in and out like fast food drive through? I was hungry, after all the effort to get to the class, my stomach had been empty for 12 hours, I left after the standing series one hour in classs. Three hours getting there. 

Pose of Hint of the day: GYST before you get in your car and go to class.

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