Saturday, February 4, 2012

funky class day 10

Day 10- Funky Door Haight Street. 
 At the end of the class my ears were hurting from the volume of the amplification sytem. Amplification, and lots of personal instruction equals conflicting instructions in each pose. The instructor gives out lots of individual instrution OVER A LOUDSPEAKER. Otherwise, good class. Like the size of  the studio room. I started my Bikram Practice years ago.  The florescent lights are a minus.  I do truly enjoy a bright studio. Teacher gave a two minute infomercial during the savanana between standing and floor series.  Relaxing, not so much. Met my eyes in the mirror in Tulandasana - Balancing stick pose. I can hear my spine stretching in this posture.

Yoga Tip of the day: Arda Chandrasana half moon pose. Let  your exhale deepen each posture. Alignment first and foremost. Keep your chin and breastbone lifted. Keep your weight on your heels.

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