Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 20

IPAD2  erasing blog posts Do not try to swith  back and forth between Ipad and desktop. Override isues.  Tips and pix lost in the ether world.  Decided to postpone dieting of any kind until I put my faithful 4 legged companion animal, a dog, down. I knew mourning would include eating and drinking - These are a few of my favorite things.

When the dogs dies, when the IRS calls, when I'm feeling sad. I simple pop a cornmeal crust quattro formaggi pizza into the oven and then I don't feel so bad. 

Since December 2nd, 2011 I've lost  30 pounds.  60 to go. 1/3 of the way.

I feel proud. No one noticed,  so I have been telling folks.  I stop cutting my hair when I acknowledged I had a weight problem.  This year of renovation 2012, the hair will be the last thing I change. My hair now is really really really really long.

Last Saturday I took a 2.5 hour yoga workshop in San Carlos focused on the floor series. Great to get detailed instruction regarding  the poses.
The room was not HOT for the workshop, just warm, then I did a class afterwards.  Felt really good. Almost  like a double. Been years since I did a double. I want to attend a 4 week course in hot yoga this Spring. Must make it happen. Must start doing doubles again.

Yoga tip of the day: Dandayamana Dhanurasana - Standing bow pulling pose.   Set up with correct grip stretch towards the ceiling. Your first action is move your leg upand back. Your front will intuitively move forward. Keep your gaze, your eyes and your chin up.  Fingers between your eyebrows.

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