Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 26.  Pregnancy is popping up all over!  Super excited when someone announce their first born is on the way!  Photo is of Megan Monroe Bikram Yoga Instructor.   Beautiful day. Cannot believe I still have not taken an antihistamine this season yet. BYSC class this am...Felt sore  and dehydrated so did not push. Bikram is causing my water usage to go up. Too many towels to wash.

Bikram yoga tip of the day: Tuladandasana.  Balancing Stick Pose. Pull everything as hard as you can while you are still standing the bottoms of your feet  to the tip of your fingers stretch with all your might, as if  you are being pulling apart.  Your body should be in taught, arms and legs fully enganged, a  straight line from tips of fingets to tops of toes - before you tilt. When  you bend at the hip do not look down, look out in front of you,  beyond your mat, or see if you can meet your eyes in the mirror. Nck is elongated, and arms are wtih ears.  When you are in the posture pull your hands and feet apart. Rotate  your leg athe hip so  your elevated  foot is pointing straight back, not aat ana angle.  This is fast posture, give it all you got.

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