Monday, February 27, 2012

Post Oscar Buzz

Day 3 l 97 to go.

Oscar Sunday popcorn overdose.
Monday morning blahs and a sugar hangover.
 Cocaine, cocaine running round my brain.
diet is a rememberance of impulse control past.

 Face  flushed  red red-  allergies  fully revived in living color.

Now is now.

San Carlos Health Center -  early morning class pre commute.

Yoga Tip of the day: Tadasana tree pose. The last moment of confidence melts away. The dreaded floor series is coming. Calm the breath, another adductor stretch.  I can't do any part of this simple pose. Lowering the shoulders back and down helps in opening the chest, aligning the hips.
One day, a knee will lower and point down, flamingco-ey.

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