Thursday, February 23, 2012

WaterBaby Day One Again

Took in a German Shepherd Dog in as favor for  a travelling friend for 4 days and fell completely off the daily practice. New studio having a hard time getting to the class on time. Must be dressed and out the door 45 minutes  pre class time to be parked and in the studio before class starts.  With BYC it was 37 minutes and that included a pick up.  Thrice this week, I was almost there. It is much farther away, one piece of  road construction, one tourist bus and bam, I miss the class.

 I never, ever talk to anyone in the class until today.  My plan is to lie down, warm up,  silence the lambs and spend 90 minutes of quality time quieting myself, through group meditation and breath.  Then I get hit with WaterBaby.  The person in the front of me and to my right had a huge water bottle,  kept to the left, so it was right in my sight line.  Although studio etiquette says do not drink during poses, WaterBaby consumed more water than the man your man could smell like.

 At one point Waterbaby was dousing head and shoulders with water, during a pose! Here is a big water clue:  By the time you get to class, if you need water- it is too late,  you arrived dehydrated.  Sweat  is to cool you down. When you wipe it away, you are defeating the mechanism. Drink water before you come to class. 

When the water colossus was placed down on the floor,  it sat two feet  away from WaterBaby right in front of  my nose.  During the standing series no big whoop, but on the floor series, it blocked my ability to see myself in the mirror, so I ask WaterBaby when we got to floor series and cobra pose if Waterbaby  could please move the giant water bottle.  WaterBaby did move it in front of Waterbabys  mat for 1/2 of one pose then Emeril-   two feet to the left of WaterBaby, right  smack dab in front of my nose.   The Grand Pubah of  Water Bottles, The colossus of colossusses, a 1 million gallon container of water,  right in front of my nose.  Water Baby drank about 100 gallons just during the floors series... during the poses!    I could see The Colossus of all Water Bottles stoically regarding its' still upright form in the studio mirror .  I was  annoyed,  I was cranky, I tried for the 9:30 class, missed it by 5 minutes- came back home, and came back for the 11:30 am class  and had not eaten anything in about 14 hours.  I get cranky when I there is more than 10 hours between me and a meal.   Thanks WaterBaby. Great teacher, super informative and you could see all 2000 individual  muscles. When  he demonstrated, you got a great tutorial on Yoga, and the anatomy.  I guess I need more yoga, as I wanted to to tell  WaterBaby to take it outside and kick  some WaterBaby Butt. I at last I am happy that I have a new nickname for a fellow student at BYSC, WaterBaby. Must start going to the 7:45 am class. Missing breakfast and lunch so I can practice on an  empty stomach, makes me mean and cranky  and defeats the purpose of the class- for me.

Yoga Tip of the Day: Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana. I love this pose, when I was a young girl I use to dive from the high board. This pose reminds me of diving, you settle  your spine, fix your eyes out in front of you to the cool summer blue sky and the great beyond,  put your chin  boldly out in front of you, you pay careful attention to what you are doing with your head, move your arm, push with all your leg strength, stretch your arms and you fly.  Keeping  eyes and nose aimed towards  your mat, chin away from the chest the entire time is my goal for this posture. 

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