Saturday, March 17, 2012

Unattached to the outcome

It was raining. Ipad2 erases my posts.   Too lazy to drive to BYSC, went to BYC instead.

rainy spring day SF
There is synchronicity here and it's a smaller quieter studio. Maybe the folks who come come here are different. After year away. I noticed old regulars with greatly improved practices, nice to see after all this time away, good things happening to those who remained. Deal fell part today. Will I make to the all day posture clinic tomorrow?  Listen to your body-mind connection. My body mind connection is revolting.

the twist
Bikram yoga tip of the day: Ardha-Matsyendrasana. Spine twisting pose. What is lumbago anyway? Here is a cheat for this posture from a yoga teacher at San Carlos-  I can't set up my legs for this posture. Knees won't bend, hips won't both be on the floor with both legs bent. I still give my spine a helluva twist. I put one leg out in front of me. My knees are toast, so I extend one leg out in front of the body, and cross the other leg at the knee. This keeps my hips correctly aligned. Lift the spine up. If you have a a big belly make sure to lift it up and over your hips which could impede your twist, if your fat apron hits your bones, move the fat.

 Spoil sport alert.. do not believe everything you read. Or these days most anything you read.

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