Sunday, March 11, 2012

You two are an inspiration

Day 17 l 83 Days to go

I am suspicious of people. Especially when they open their mouths. Amazing words spill forth. One of my neighbors' little girl was singing a song to us this afternoon. We had no idea what, if any, language, she was using. It was musical. We loved it, called her clever and danced around in a hokey-pokey. 

It is always surprising the words that erupt from people's mouths.  Pot kettle black alert.  After class, I generally sit for 5 to 10 minutes, until I have stopped sweating, before throwing on my super hero costume and climbing into the getaway car.

Yesterday, some unknown (to me) person pointed at me and one another unknown (to me) person, both of us that cretin age  - and said, "You two are such inspiration".  We breathe. Whoop dee doo.

The only that could have made it worse would have been if they followed up with a presentation of some Kelly Ripa or Granny Klampett award.  Why were were we two an inspiration?Two unknown particles clumped together like random elements in a large synchrotron - whirling around - a particle nascar bumper car race. Generating momentary inspiration and flaring out like a Chinese new year sparkler. Huh? Way? Fat? Boy!

I want to be the anonymous person in the class, the anonymous person on line.  A random person with goodbones.

Bikram Yoga tip of the day: Sasangasana Rabbit Pose. Part of the spine strengthening series. Can't do this. I have a very strong back, and my lower back rocks the casbash, but upper back is taughter than the E string on harpo Marx's violin. My head does not touch my knees. My hips do not rise up.  I  tuck under and grab my heels. I think the bomb is coming the bomb is coming until it is over. Remember believing Soviets were not MADmen. Waiting under my desk for the silly duck and cover drill to all be over.

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