Wednesday, March 7, 2012

International Womens Day

Attended the 2012 International Women' Day Summit And Awards Luncheon. Inspirational people doing amazing things. Its good to get in a roomful of amazing people from time to time and see what the clever people are wearing. Man of the year went to San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee. Best speaker was Zoe Dunning, Retired Navy Commander of DADT Fame - very funny.

9:30 BYSC Class was amplified so I left. What a waste of an hour, to and fro-ing.  As far as I can tell there is only one who uses the microphone and speakers to "shout" at quiet students in a completely silent room. 

Amplification in such small spaces is an overly aggressive  teaching tool. And it hurts the ears, its good to avoid as much artificial sound as possible -  no stereo, no ipod, no  ear buds, no concerts or shows with any amplification.   

 Maybe sabotage is in order.

Yoga tip of the day: Ardha-Khurmasana Half Tortoise pose   It takes a minute to get heels to hips and  the back straight. Stretch your spine from hips to fingertips. Keeps your palms strong, squeeze our arms to your head, forehead  then  pinkies fingers touch the floor.  Work your palms forward and your hips back. Keep your shoulders away from your ears. Don't round. Keep your back arms and chin straight. Childs pose on steriods.

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