Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tuesday's child is full of grace. A boondoggle is activity full of waste.

Tuesday's class was the last of the day. Workday lurches forward, one remains vigilant. Choose to spend each moment moving towards a free life. Freedom from excessive acquiring, escaped from envy and avarice, freedom from jury duty. Efficiently quash the inner boondoggle. Make time for the last class, even with work projects left undone. Take a minute to converse with a child, scratch a dog's ear. Learn to lallygag. Is a lallygag a boondoggle, or freedom at it's best?
Making more minutes between here and there. Get here, there or anywhere more deliberately. Find your rhythm with the passing of the sun, and the rumbling of your stomach.

Yoga tip of the day: In each posture let each moment pass. Do not count the moments. Be present for each breath, and if you catch it, let it go.

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