Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Truthfully Scary Yoga

Put your hand in the mouth of truth, only if you dare. Or in the mouth of this dog. Similar. Truth, fear not. Floor poses, in truth, cause fear. Super duper scary pose Supta-Vajrasana, fixed firm pose.
Firmly fixed fear of knees ripping out of the body pose.
Breathe, don't push, no lamaze breathing, breathe, stay away from anything near pain, Breathe Breathe Breathe Breathe Breathe Breathe Breathe. Stay upright if you think you will injure overstretch, strain your knees with the backward bend. Be careful with your knees.
Yoga Tip of the day: Move slowly in and out of the pose use your breathe not your strength, yet keep all your muscles fully engaged. Engaged does not mean strained. Strained muscles leads to injured joints.

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