The studio was closed one day in July, and I missed a few days in July.
It's August 1st.
Show up, breathe, stretch, breathe, sweat, and breathe some more.
This the Bikram Yoga. My water bill has gone up.
Today there were aliens (as in never saw them before) in the classroom. ADD challenged, little things distract.
There are 26 poses. The order still eludes. Once we are on the floor, follow along with class and the stay with the instructor. When all else fails, breathe in, then breathe out.
Practice means, show up with intention, breathe, stretch, breathe, sweat, repeat and rest.
Focus only on your practice. Meditate for 90 minutes, no wiping, no squirming, no water no mindless thought chatter.
Alien starts doing push ups in class. Distracted, lose focus, fall out, then back. Started thinking about designing yoga clothes with a logo across the butt ala juicy. Again, fall out, lose place in the class, had no idea where the class is in the practice. the battle against spacy mind chatter is a daily one.
Put the thoughts out, breathe in, start again.
I wonder what day this is. Does not not matter. Breathe in breathe out.
Pose of the day: Tuladandasa. Great trick, make sure your hips are in alignment with each other before you rotate over even if you do not step out as much.
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