Wednesday morning and up before the wake up call. Time for tea and careful folding of towels.
Intention intention intention, breathe breathe breathe. Tonight is a metoer shower. Head to countyside hills and look up and see what where we all began. Ran into a neighbor this morning after class and he spoke of how bad yoga made him feel. "After three weeks, when I came home, I ached all over. " Small movements, follow your breath. Breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe in, then breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe out.
Yoga tip of the day: Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose Dandayamana–Bibhaktapada–Paschimotthanasana stretches the spine and back of the legs. I imagine I am Greg Louganis everytime I set up for this pose. It helps to keep the spine straight out then down and the chin up and out.
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