Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is rolling around nearly naked good for business?

Thursday's first class is day killer class.
The dreaded 9:30am.

An appointment to meet with a new client at 8:30 am.

Showed up nearly naked in yoga clothes so I could roll to class right after the meeting.
We drank coffee. Yum! Lots of busy, fun work ahead. TMI in my head - in class - falling out the result. Don't try so hard. Try so easy.
The Days in Row shows rolls onward with no rhyme or reason.
Yoga pose plus tip day: (Do not drink coffee before class.)

Bhujangasana Cobra pose. Center yourself on the floor with a firm idea of your hip alignment. Stretch in every direction. Up with your spine, back with the tops of your feet, up to the ceiling with your chin, back with your neck and you our eyes, as you lift up from the small of your back, push down on the floor with your hips. Use your hands like training wheels. Do not push on them, allow your eyes to guide the posture.

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