Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.

Was asked if a friend was my offspring. No, I did not have a child when I was six years old.

She's my sister. (slaps) She's my daughter. (More slaps). She's my sister and my daughter.

I guess I can't go around slapping silly people , (why not, please?) But I can say, Forget Jake, It's Chinatown. Need to work on my facial fascia. Send in Tracy Martin, Stat!

Today was the day killer (9:30 am) class. post espresso.

Almost half way through this challenge. The bag of bones is rattling noisily Work, Joke Work, where I am? where are we? what are we doing? Is this popping and noisiness a good thing or a bad thing? . As long as it is a gentle thing, I am good to go.

Yoga pose tip of the day: Dhanurasana Bow Pose. In the Julie and Julia movie there is a dreaded duck dish. You are being trussed like a stuffed duck. Pull your Bones together towards your spine before you lift up. Align the hips and shoulders, then squeeze your shoulder blades. Push the floor against your hips bones to lift up. You will feel your portal vein working overtime.

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