Sunday, August 23, 2009

the madness of crowds

Sunday's class starts late and is crowded. Sunday afternoon is a normal work day. Breathe in breathe in breathe in. Breathe out breathe out breathe out.

Time work class schedule conflicts creates stress. Add two cups of tea and work email pre-class and mental jitter jabber is on overdrive. Found parking thanks to yoga classmate who got back in their car to create a second spot from the one big roomy spot they were in. Parking karma is working fine. Mat to mat high humidity Strive for extra stillness, still work creeps in every six seconds, about the natural thought lifespan of a human being. The days in a row show rumbles onward with no change in sight. Afraid of what will happen when the show is over and the lights get turned back on. Off the visit my marooned dog. No work for me today.

Yoga Pose of the day- Eagle Pose. Garurasana *(spelling?)so many discrete impossibilites in this pose. Palms together below your nose, this makes an eagles beak. The beak in my pose is broken, and listing to the left. Pull your arms from the shoulder joints towards your ribs, gently. Breathe, breathe breathe and then - Do it again.

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