Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday afternoon 4:30 pm class. 52 down, 48 to go. Not too crowded may 18 people in the class. The right size class. I am in the corner. My intention for this class is to take it easy, feel the floor supporting me. I've been bitten by mosquito's and have spotty legs. I have received a gift of corporate schwagg (sp?) from a client - A canvas Levi's tote bag, made in USA. (!) Made in San Rafael -local!
I accept happily and re purpose it as a yoga bag.
Silent class, Everyone here is a regular. The whole class is in sync. more noises from the lower spine proceed gently, ever so gently - visions of the UC Orthopedic Ward pop into the brain. My dad told me today he really cannot walk any longer.
I think the answer is enriched packed blood platelet stem cell therapy for ligament and joint treatments. Something I read in the times? Knees still don't work well.
Wonder If I caught displaysia from the dogs. Forehead and knee yet to meet.
Yoga pose/tip of the day: Ustrasana Camel Pose: support your lower back as you slowly drop your head to drop as far back as your eyes will take you. Push your heart high towards the ceiling, eyes traveling past the back wall to the bottom of your mat.

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