Monday, August 31, 2009

Smelly Dog Syndrome (SDS)

Monday morning 6:00 am class. New week begins.

Mentioned the no alcohol intention for the rest of the challenge.
It is now real. There are witnesses. This will be super super duper simple. Frontopolor forces of the brain tend to lead us around by nose.

A Psychological need of the American consumer: # 7 To see living things thrive
Why they Buy: American Consumers Inside and Out. (1989) Robert B. Settle and Pamela L. Alreck

That is why I love my dog even when she smells.

Today's intention. Breathe easy.

Rattling thought that made me fall out of a pose. "Bullets, Booze & Blonds" Fatal ingredients in the Making of The Great 20th Century American Writer

Yoga pose tip of the day: Padangustasana Toe Stand Pose. Concentrate on one spot on the floor in front of you as you move down from tree. Use your hands and fingers to support you as you sink to your heels.

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