Yoga pose tip of the day: Padangustasana Toe Stand Pose. Concentrate on one spot on the floor in front of you as you move down from tree. Use your hands and fingers to support you as you sink to your heels.
meditation on the practice of practice
Afriend's grandmother noted she has fallen into flesh. You betterr take care of that right away, dear.
The days in row shows rolls along, with spare tire intact. I have given up on the kool aid of what this practice can do for you, yet I keep showing up. My balance is better. I could substitute an anti-depressant and some walking and get the same effect, for less time and less laundry. Yet onward, ho.
Tip of the day: Do not talk on your cell phone when you are a passenger in someone else's car. Unless you are a git.
Yoga Pose: Tadasana Tree Pose. Guide your foot as high onto your thigh. Use your eye gaze to aid the balance. Release your knee down with your toes pointing upwards. This will help you align your shoulders and hips in a straight line.