Thursday, September 3, 2009

Left Brain Overdrive

Day 58. Day Killer Class at 9:30 am.
Arrive fully caffienated.

First Unyoga thought of the class: Get the bleep out of my mirror space, b***h. It's left brain overdrive ( LBO).

As soon as a conscious decision is made to give anything up, LBO kicks up cravings for stimulants: caffeine, sugar, grease, fat, salt, and chocolate.

Part of the brain knows what to do.
The LBO which beats me down daily.
Needed stronger yoga.

Problem yoga pose: Standing head to knee pose Dandayamana-Janushirasana find myself wishing daily for a double mastectomy, not a good thought.
Will Pamela Anderson ever become too old for her boob job?

Yoga tip of the day: Savasana Dead Man's pose. No not move a muscle, do not flinch, twitch or over manipulate your breathe. See how much of the floor you can feel. How much of you feels the floor back.

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