Day 80/20 to go
Sunday the 27th
In the world of the internet, I like to remain anonymous.
Imagine my suprise when I saw a RSS feed of my yoga
rantings on my Plaxo service! I guess I kill the plaxo service.
The last place I would want anything this personal.
Sunday class mat to mat 33 people. One person too many.
One man stood still looking for a spot for his mat before class time.
He told me, his plan to get mat space was to 'Look Awkward' until someone moved.
Another name for a yoga classmate is born - Awkward Man. Good name!
Along with the other BYC Legionaires: Bendy Birl, Jet Engine Boy, Squiggly Girl, Giggly Guy and yours truley, The Damage has been Done Girl.
How do people named Nick get nicknames?
Yoga tip of the day: DarniwishIhadknownitwasroshhashanah. Separate standing forehead to knee pose - aka -Dandayamana Bihktapdada Janushirasana
If you cannot put your forehead to your knees and your hands in a steeple ahead of your feet on the ground, at least make sure that your arms are fully extended in front of you, shoulders fully engaged, elbows locked.
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