Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wine knot

Day 72 l 28 to go

After a hot Friday afternoon of chardonnay and chat with the neighborhood corner cafe local why no's. its a late Saturday class at 11:00 am . Scored some wine at a garage sale across from the studio. A Kissler Chardonnay that will not last long. Don't know what this says about my no alcohol resolve. did it dissolve? I will take these 11 bottles down the cellar and stash themn until it is time for the annual spy party. Buy wine from private wine collectors. It makes for interesting drinking.
I meet my record of 73 days in row tomorrow. (pre H1N1?flu last May) Have done a lot lot lot of yoga this year and last, and there is a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long way to go.
Yoga tip of the day: Pranayama Breathing:
Find the balance between ease and effort with each breath.

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