Tuesday, September 15, 2009

They Shoot Horses Don't They?

Day 68 l 32 to go.
I am tap dancing as fast as I can. Doing my best for everyone around me. Vitriol pushed back at me daily. Frustration over standard business practices and language is monumental. I should not take it personally, but it hurts when you put a little bit of your soul into creating a win-win for everyone and you get the evil eye for a thank you. Not, "thanks you so much, we love this experience, you were a great help. We definitely want you the be the godmother of our children." The love affair with my clients is decidedly a one-way affair. I should stop adopting each person I meet into my own private universal family. I am a sucker for humanity, that is my biggest flaw.

Tuesday's class day killer starts at 9:30am.
Tuesday I should be at work at 7:45 am
Not working Tuesdays is risking too much
And my dog is sick, Again.

Yoga tip of the day: Do all you can, while you can.
One day you cant.

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