Friday, September 18, 2009

Sizzlinging Heat

Day 71 l 29 to go
6 am class Friday,
One of the yoga rat pack makes a reappearance.
Practicing with friends is nice. I am grateful whenever they can join me in class.
It is easy to make food and drink the center around which social activities lie
When the weather is warm the wine cellar releases its siren song: its too hot for your brain to work have a drink do not think
Yoga tip of the day: Half tortoise pose: there was a tortoise and scorpion sitting along a river bank
The scorpion ask the tortoise to ferry him ontop of the tortoise to the other side of hte river bank. The tortoise said no, you will sting me and kill me. The scorpion points out he too would die too if he stabbed tortiose and not make it to his destination.
Halfway across the river, the scorpion stabs and kills the tortoise. They both drown in the river.
Every creature remains true to its nature.
My nature is not bendy.
The stronger the stretch into the steeple, the better the pose.

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