Monday, November 9, 2009
Motorless City
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The show that never ends

One of the dogs I am in charge of keeping safe, got out on my watch and bit a neighbor.
I am dogsitting for a friend 45 minutes down the Pennisula.
Commuting to The City for works means no yoga for the last seven days. Miss daily mediation of the practice.
BYC is a very calm studio.
Everyone is quiet inside the studio.
Managed to squeeze in a class at Yoga Health Center in San Carlos.
Last time I was here in this small room the instructor used an amplification system. That bounced me right out of the class as she was a "countdown" gal. Countdowns are crazy making to my mind.
I entered with a mixture of trepidation and desperation. .
The studio now has rubber floor. I saw spray bottles labeled lavender. Starting panicing about "aromas".
No one sprayed the bottles. Break.
No burning gases or artificial chemical odors in the classroom BIG Break.
The students were all chattering inside the studio. Trying to find the zen center of my brain.
The road to calm me is a steep and twisted one.
It has been one or two years since I have taken a class here. The studio is small and not very deep.
Here they mark out the places where you can place you mat. You get more room to your left and right but the person in front of you has to keep their head to the mirror or their feet will be in your face. the ceiling mounted blower heater was to my left. I felt the top layer of my skin crisp as it was blown onto my skin. I expected scabbing.
Last time I was here in this small room the instructor used an amplification system. For 1000 sq ft studio. That bounced me right out of the class as she was a "countdown" gal.
Countdowns are crazy making to my mind. I entered with a mixture of trepidation and desperation. .
The instructor was not the owner but some gal who sounded like heidi klum. She did not use a microphone Break. If she counts down I am AUT. It has been years since I attended a scripted class. She gave wildly different instructions for standing bow, raise your arm first! That was shocker.
Feet in my face during the floor series prompted me to scramble for a new spot.
I could not believe how much easier it is to breathe in this aroma free class room.
I am going back this morning.
Yoga Tip of the day:
Monday, October 12, 2009
The End

It is Over. Drove in from Woodside this morning. Forgot my mask. Air didn't seem that bad. Only soft tissue in face went numb. Arrived with ten minutes to spare.
Not the best way to perform yoga.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Hip Rotations

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

4:30 pm class still wearing GM respirator mask
Life is imitating a todd haynes film.
wondering if it will ever be safe to take the mask off.
Today I matched the highest number days in row 92..
Thursday, October 8, 2009
And A Way we go
91 l 9 to go
Snuck into class with a low tech $7.50
respirator mask for the 4:30 pm.
Yoga dog, who usually sidles up to
or ear tugs went bonkers barking, so the mask was announced.
Headache from morning was still there but it did make a significant difference.
Face felt it was being eaten by maggots, a few balance problems but made it through the entire class. Soaked the mask.
Yoga tip of the day:
Here is a great diagram of rats in water maze
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Day 91 l 9 to go
shoving Kleenex up my nose
to protect brain and lungs from damage.
Left before class started.
Off to buy a respirator at the
hardware store.
I want to finish this challenge.
Love the class
love the ability to breathe.
No choice.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday and Wednesday

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Exhaust Shun
Friday, October 2, 2009
Huffing Post

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Changes in State

Yoga pose tip of the day: Half Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana with Pada Hastasana - Take time to really flex your hip joints in the warm up.The closer your elbows are to your ears the tighter the full body stretch you will feel down your side
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Midnight Train to Prada
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday Afternoon
or fragrances are making immune system fail.
Monday, September 28, 2009
sicko pation

Shoulders engaged, yes please

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Convertible Difference

Yoga Gas Chamber

Friday, September 25, 2009
Post, Miss Post?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Free Crisp $100 Dollar Bills

Monday, September 21, 2009
Cheese in my Veins

Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Effects Of Gamma Rays

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wine knot
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sizzlinging Heat
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fashion Heroin takes her Toll
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
No rest for The Wicked

6am Wednesday
Woke up it was Bhopal morning
and the first thing that I smelt
was death outside my window
That toxic unrefined oil dealt
Bodies were dropping dead like raindrops
and feasted on by insects.
Not quite joni mitchell.
Not really funny either.
Women get treated like shit everyday.
Not just me.
Need stronger yoga.
Yoga tip of the day: Dandayamana Dhanurasana
Standing Bow Pulling Pose -
Grab an ankle with your hand push against your hand with your ankle until the leg is rising behind you and away from you glutus maximus, straighten out your raised leg, push the knee until the length of your raised leg forces your spine forward and down. Keep you neck relaxed, chin parallel to the floor. eyes front and centered.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
They Shoot Horses Don't They?
Tuesday's class day killer starts at 9:30am.
Tuesday I should be at work at 7:45 am
Not working Tuesdays is risking too much
And my dog is sick, Again.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I like Mondays

6 am class
small class
Great way to start the day.
Monday is catch up on tasks day, make phone calls, my favorite day.
Yoga tip of the day: Ardha Kurmasana. Take your time with the set up. It takes me two full 6 count breathes to get fingers to the floor. Keep your arms straight, palms flat, stretching and pressed against your ears throughout the pose.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Miss Dairy Queen

Sunday 9:30 am
Weekend warrior class
mat to mat
A love affair with dairy products. milk cheese butter. And wine - french, Californian, Chilean, south African: the terrior is the oyster After 2 Saturday parties, half glass of champagne at one and and one and one half glasses of glass of pinot noir at the other, Opps on the no alcohol for the rest of this challenge. Literally sweating cheese through my pores. Holy cow (and goat)!
The wine equals sugar, the cheese salt and oil I cannot feel my heart beating in my chest. Late start time class time means arriving fully caffeinated. How can one remain civilized without coffee wine butter cheese and bread? Supportive and crowded class. Made almost every pose.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Energizer Bunny
A moldy funk emanates from towels & togs - double washing does not help.
Yes, the insane daily ritual yoga show keeps rolling forward.
I have not told too many people about this challenge, the yoga rat pack, my one reader, and the instructor. Those who work with me encourage me to keep going - vigorously. How much worse was I?
Yoga tip of the day: Trikanasana Triangle Pose. Don't turn your head too quickly. Move your legs out ankles under wrists. and keep your eyes front while you turn the foot of your bending leg out. Move your palms forward before you move your chin to your shoulder, As you bend your knee over ankle, feel the stretch in your pelvic floor.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Two espresso day before the 4:30 pm class

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Bhopal Buddah

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Cell Phone Catch 22
Yoga tip of the day: no gun phones in the studio. It is a real trick to hold your ankles, arms, chin up, heels up, knees bent with murderous intent.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Islets of Langerhans
Is it the Islets of Langerhans declaring, " We will turn on the hormones of your youth, you have such a fabulous half moon back bend, it's the least we can do." Not the pancreas snarling, "Stop all this bending and sweating and get a life."
Monday, September 7, 2009
Day 60 Class for two

Monday is a class holiday. In the studio with a friend who attends class with me quite regularly. We are going to do a practice on our own. I drive the yoga train and picked up the yoga "rat pack" three or more times a week. The difference between the mat to mat class with an instructor and doing it on our own is timing. After I don't know how many classes, still needed to get up and read the list of poses before heading to the studio to secure it in the mind. Luckily, had help. We did not miss any of the poses. And we did each pose twice. A long pre-class savasana (10 minutes) and started 6:30 am. We finished 15 minutes early at 8:15 am. Timing. the first set a little too fast perhaps? The savasana too quick, maybe. After this chance, I am convinced learning happens best in a classroom. Self taught is not the same. This is the second time I have practiced in a studio without an instructor. This time all the poses were done in the correct order - progress.
VO2 Max and mass hysteria

Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Ties that Bind

Ropes are better. This is a Peruvian skull where someone bound an infant's head to a board with ropes to elongate the skull. The pressure to be perfect has many forms. It's a negotiable world - The Great Recession is here. Am dying to spend spend spend spend at all the auction houses. Saw the term " There Great Recession" in print today. It's time to stock up on beans and rice. The days in row show rambles forward. The studio is closed on Monday- given access to the secret underground lair so the days in row show will continue Monday with a solo class. Work also is a slow drip. Work is lining up slowly, people are lining up slowly, my hips and knees are lining up slowly, the bills are lining up quickly... need stronger yoga.
Yoga tip of the day: For every pose - move one millimeter at a time, breathe one microsecond at at time. go slow slower slowest. Use your strength gently.